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Poem Curio

May 23, 2020

Poem of the Day: Queerodactyl

2 CQ

Poem of the Day: Queerodactyl. By Roy G. Guzmán.

My heart was a dystopian
berry budding in water tiger

lilies claiming
hocus-pocus wonder. I was broken

vanity, vixen vase, victorious tête-

à-tête — the Scrabble game nobody won
because the tiles aspired speculums.

Ocean-misaligned brook / brook-misaligned

— where else could these gospels have dawned
if not in the bellies of men

hyenaing a becoming?

Twerking in church,

I outperformed the candles
diarized in the simpleminded annexation. Wussup,

with the veiniest homebound
pika-pika aim?

Wussup, Sims
Chumbawamba Family Portrait Simulation?

St. Sunny of the Sissies
beheld the bukkake throng

of mojo-coated cartilage
on the refurbished bunk

for new cetaceans. A dazzling jeremiad
shone me dead

until I gridlocked the algebraic expressions
of my body in question marks.

These syndicated fiyahs
stigmatized my herculean magma

but I held these walls apart,
every inch of my mascara cut off
apple pie.

You watched me hobble home
while the streets coalesced magenta. Tell Momma

the holes I cover with one error

swell — & there are only inadvertent landscapes
to dollop with nonetheless.

Aired March 19, 2019

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David J
Transcript needed
500 characters max
David J
Here here!
Yifan (celeb)
Hi David, thanks for the feedback! We aren't currently able to provide transcripts for all the poems but have added this one in due to popular demand. We will do our best to get them for future poems, as well.
500 characters max
Stephanie W
I agree with wanting a transcription to go with the would help immensely.
Yifan (celeb)
Hi Stephanie, thanks for the feedback! We aren't currently able to provide transcripts for all the poems but have added this one in due to popular demand. We will do our best to get them for future poems, as well.
500 characters max
Lyn R
It would be great to have written text for the poems instead of only recordings
Yifan (celeb)
Hi Lyn, thanks for the feedback! We aren't currently able to provide transcripts for all the poems but have added this one in due to popular demand. We will do our best to get them for future poems, as well.
500 characters max