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Poem Curio

October 22, 2018

Poem of the Day: Contents Page

2 CQ

Poem of the Day: Contents Page. By Stephen Edgar.

Aired January 3, 2017

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Judy S
I’d love to see the written word here, in addition to the audible.
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Macgregor K
If we wonder why pictures are gaining traction over words, I suggest we could look at this poem. I wonder what did the writer really know or first hand experience of its content, why where so many fancy words used to describe a simple thing. Writers I believe it is time to acknowledge that a picture is worth very many words and the written could do well to get off it's pedistool and get real. So sorry for being insulting, but the button said 'comment.' Otherwise loving the poem page thanks
Judy S
Brian G
Pictures are only more powerful than words to illiterates.
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