
How to Make an Origami Bracelet

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Complete instructions for completing your own beautiful handmade origami bracelet! Here's to discovering joy! Love, Origami Twist!

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Brenda S
You can also use this folding method to make baskets
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Maurine H
enjoyed your tutorial. yes it did remind me of so many happy times. of youth, running, chewing gum, skinned knees, mercurochrome, and cloth bandage( no band aides) etc.
Brenda S
That is what I was many pieces of gum we chewed just to see who could make the longest one
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Maurine H
Many years ago we used the foil wrappers from the packaged chewing gum and folded them. We made hat bands, belts, bracelets, etc. I had forgotten how to put them together. Thanks for helping me to remember some of my youth.
Origami Twist
I remember using chewing gum foil to fold all sorts of things too!!! I am so glad that it reminded you of childhood!! :-)
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Maurine H
Many, many years ago our gum came wrapped in foil, we folded it like you did paper and thus made Belts and bracelets. It was fun then and I am going to make the bracelet with some scrapbook paper that is foil and gliterery. That is my word, don't know if it is truly a word.
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Margie J
i have this cute little purse that my dad made before he died ( in 1976, i was 6 yrs old). i guess that i left it outside when i was young. it did get damaged and for many many years i have been trying to have this fixed....hopefully since i have had no sucsess getting it done maybe i can learn myself how to repair of the difficulties will be that dad spelled my madien name into it and some of those letters are missing.... i am very sad that i did not understand the value this "thing"
Margie J
would have to me thirty something years later when that was almost all that was left behind.
Origami Twist
I would love to hear if you were able to fix it, what a wonderful reminder to have of your dad!
Origami Twist
If you have any questions, please let me know, maybe I can help?
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