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New York Vocal Coaching
Voice Lessons To The World

New York Vocal Coaching is one of the world's leading Vocal Studios. Led by internationally recognized Voice Teacher Justin Stoney, NYVC is home to some of the top Voice Teachers and best Vocal Coaches in today's music industry. It is our great Joy and Passion to serve to the vocal community by offering Voice Lessons and Vocal Coaching to singers in NYC and via SKYPE. Voice Lessons To The World- the App (for iPhone and iPad) is helping vocalists of all levels learn to sing Pop, Rock, R&B, Broadway, Jazz and Classical music. We also offer singing tips, vocal articles, and free online vocal resources. Finally, aspiring and experienced Voice Teachers can master their teaching craft with the New York Vocal Coaching Voice Teacher Training and Certification. "Make A Joyful Noise!"

Learn about the Larynx!

Check out this new episode from Justin Stoney and New York Vocal Coaching about how to sing different styles of music! In this singing lesson, he explains how the position of the larynx can affect the style of music you’re singing. Come learn how to manipulate your larynx properly to sing multiple musical styles with versatility, confidence, and freedom!!

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