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My name is Michele Berner. I am a teacher of Information Technology, a Cisco Networking Academy Instructor and have taught high school technology subjects for over 35 years.

I now teach beginners and advanced iPad and Android Tablet classes to senior citizens, as well as photo editing, movie making and file management. My website is dedicated to mobile technologies and to providing 'how tos', tutorials and videos to my students.

New Curious lesson - About the iOS 8 Notification Center

New Curious lesson - About the iOS 8 Notification Center

Ready for a new lesson? Here is my most recently published lesson About the iOS 8 Notification Center.

New to iOS 8? In this iPad and iPhone lesson, learn how to use and customize the notifications center. Then, learn how to configure app widgets.

Let me know what you think of the lesson. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!

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