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Business Curio

September 10, 2018

With technological advances, why not a four-day workweek?

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … A fractured mandate in Sweden after weekend elections left two main parties nearly tied. Then, while the world watches for more potential developments on the trade dispute between the U.S. and China, a meeting was set for Monday between America and the European Union to try and reduce ongoing tensions. What could it signal for future trade relations between the two economies? Afterwards, technological innovations have in many ways made life easier and helped to speed up productivity. But it hasn’t allowed the average worker to actually be in the office or on the job site fewer hours. But Britain’s biggest federation of unions Monday is arguing a four-day work week will be possible as AI could provide a more than $200-billion boost to the U.K. economy.  Today's show is sponsored by Avast ( ), Indeed ( ) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( ).(09/10/2018)

Aired September 10, 2018

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