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Business Curio

August 6, 2018

What if you saw your face promoting a product you've never used?

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … A top supplier to Apple was hit by a computer virus over the weekend – and it could cost the Taiwanese company more than $250 million. Then, orders at the factory gate in Germany saw a sharp drop in June amid growing concerns about global trade tensions. What does this signal for economic growth in the second half of the year?  Afterwards, what would you do if you saw your face advocating for a product you’ve never used? Or endorsing a college program you never participated in? All without your consent? That’s what happened to one woman who signed up for a photo shoot and found out too late that she’d signed away rights to her own face, allowing stock-image companies to use it however they wished. Today's show is sponsored Indeed ( ), Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( ), and Wunder Capital ( ). (08/06/2018)

Aired August 6, 2018

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