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Business Curio

June 21, 2018

We might see another government shutdown this October

5 CQ

(U.S. Edition) Reps from oil-producing countries are meeting for the bi-annual OPEC summit, and it has the potential to turn sour. We'll look at the varying goals these nations have and the geopolitical factors that could complicate this meeting. Afterwards, we'll discuss reports that the Trump administration is planning to combine the U.S. departments of Education and Labor, and then we'll talk to federal budget watcher Stan Collender about the possibility of another government shutdown. Today’s podcast is sponsored by Alliance for Lifetime Income ( ), Carbonite ( ), and Indeed ( ). (06/21/2018)

Aired June 21, 2018

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David J
It seems like a sensible decision (for once ) to combine the labour and education department under one umbrella. Both are inter connected for a country’ vibrant economy.
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