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May 25, 2019

Theresa May resigns after Brexit failure

4 CQ

From the BBC World Service… Theresa May has announced she will step down as the leader of her Conservative party on June 7, paving the way for a new British prime minister. President Trump meets Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Japan this weekend for a state visit. Plus, this weekend tens of thousands of comic book fans are gathering in London dressed as their favorite superheroes. So what’s the global appeal of a comic book convention that was first launched in San Diego three decades ago?

Today’s show is sponsored by Indeed and Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage .

Aired May 24, 2019

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Michael L
I find it extremely ironic that this woman is going to comic con dressed as a rapist. I assume that she had to have seen the movie, and I wonder how she justifies this. It's truly quite bizarre. Didn't the character Alex rape at least one woman in a clockwork Orange?
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