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Business Curio

July 19, 2018

The world's most controversial energy project

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … Brussels is warning European businesses to do more to prepare for a "no deal" Brexit. With 253 days left until the U.K. leaves the European Union and no end in sight to British infighting, should businesses keep calm and carry on? Afterwards, we'll discuss how Cuba is preparing to change its constitution in a shake-up that will include recognition of private land ownership for the first time in more than 40 years. Then, it’s been branded the world's most controversial energy project. The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will cement Germany’s reliance on Russian gas for decades to come. But as tensions between the EU, the U.S. and Russia intensify, will the pipeline tip the balance of power in favor of the Kremlin? Today's podcast is sponsored by Abby Connect ( ), Battelle ( ), and USPS ( ). (07/19/2018)

Aired July 19, 2018

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