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Business Curio

June 13, 2018

The AT&T-Time Warner judge gets some inspiration from Bob Dylan

4 CQ

(U.S. Edition) "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," Bob Dylan once sang, and apparently U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon agrees, because he cited this lyric in his 172-page ruling on the AT&T-Time Warner merger. Now that the two companies officially have the green light to go through with the deal, we'll dive into some of the remarks Judge Leon made, and whether the government can still try to fight against the decision. Afterwards, we'll talk with Politico reporter Nancy Cook about the Trump administration's plans to rename the Department of Health and Human Services, which is part of a broader reshuffling of federal government departments. Today's podcast is sponsored by Abby Connect (, Indeed (, and Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( (06/13/2018)

Aired June 13, 2018

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