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Business Curio

April 21, 2024

Reflections on Baltimore’s bridge collapse from the workers who built it

4 CQ

When the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was built in the ’70s, it was a chance for workers to prove themselves on a massive construction project. Following its collapse, those workers look back on what many considered to be a monument to their work — and what happens when that monument is gone. Also: foreign aid could be bundled with a forced sale of TikTok, and European Union leaders agree to tighten sanctions on Iran.

Aired April 18, 2024

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Kimberly M
Hi hey I'm fine again but if this for Bruce I think Bruce needs really give me some answers because I found some things that did not want to find on my deal so if he wants me he better realize what he is doing for herself he needs to grow up and quit playing head games with me and let me know it's over or he needs to give me answers why was he on a dating site
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