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July 5, 2018

Jaguar sounds the alarm on Brexit

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … A potentially game-changing vote in the European Parliament today is expected on copyrighted material on the Internet. Then, Jaguar Land Rover is the latest in a growing line of companies ringing the alarm bells about the consequences of a “bad Brexit” deal. A fresh warning comes today as Prime Minister Theresa May is heading to Germany for a meeting with Angela Merkel about why progress on the exit negotiations has been slow. Afterwards, dropping a few coins in a street musician’s hat is an act that doesn’t take much effort. But what about for societies that have gone almost completely cash (and coin!) free? We’ll take you to a Swedish town and chat with some musicians who explain the complexities of taking tips by app. Today's podcast is sponsored by Alliance for Lifetime Income ( ) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( ). (07/05/2018)

Aired July 5, 2018

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