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Business Curio

July 6, 2018

Is the trade war now officially on?

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … Thirty-four-billion dollar tit-for-tat tariffs have officially gone into effect on some Chinese and American goods. While the markets have largely shrugged off the implementation today, what impact could be looming as the so-called trade war escalates? And what about the collateral damage to other countries’ economies? Afterwards, hate long meetings, staring at the clock, and not getting enough time with the family? So did the folks at Collins SBA, a company in Australia that recently cut employee work hours from eight a day to just five. How does it work? And has productivity taken a nosedive? We’ll talk to the company’s HR director. Today's podcast is sponsored by Anchor, LLC ( ) and Carbonite ( ). (07/06/2018)

Aired July 6, 2018

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