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Business Curio

June 19, 2018

If it’s not a trade war, what’s going on with the US and China?

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(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … There are more tariff threats against China from the White House, so are we in a trade war yet? And what needs to happen to de-escalate the growing tensions between the two nations? Then, shares of the Hong Kong–listed Chinese telecom ZTE plunged more than 20 percent to a two-year low. It wasn’t President Trump, but the U.S. Congress that sparked fresh concerns. Afterwards, growing alongside the rise of online sales is the rise of fake reviews. But how far is too far, and to what end are companies going to avoid bad publicity from people who have never tried their goods and services? Today's podcast is sponsored by Pitney Bowes ( ) and Indeed ( ). (06/19/2018)

Aired June 19, 2018

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