How the Department of the Treasury handles the "currency manipulator" label

5 CQ

(U.S. Edition) What does it take to be called a currency manipulator? Two years after President Trump decreed that the Treasury department would label China as one, and it has yet to happen. We look into how that designation gets handled. According to a new report, nearly 10 million Americans utilize short-term installment loans when in need of some quick cash. However, how much they pay in interest and finance charges depends on how their state regulates lenders. We then discuss more results from the Marketplace-Edison Research Poll, which shows that a majority of people think massive tech companies like Apple, Amazon or Google have more power over the economy than the president, Congress or workers.  Molly Wood of Marketplace Tech has more. Today's show is sponsored by GAIN Capital Group ( ), PayPal ( ) and Selligent ( ). (10/18/2018)

Aired October 18, 2018

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