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Business Curio

August 13, 2018

How our power grid stacks up 15 years after one of history's biggest blackouts

5 CQ

(U.S. Edition) Turkey’s economic crisis is even worse, with the lira having lost 39 percent of its value since the start of the month. An economics correspondent from the BBC  lets us know about other solutions that are being explored. Also, with heat waves putting pressure on power grids, we remember one of history’s biggest blackouts: In 2003,  a tussle between a power line and tree in Ohio eventually left about 50 million people in the Northeast powerless. Marketplace's Jed Kim takes a look at the reliability of the grid today. And a new analysis from the Associated Press finds that more jobs created this year were in counties that actually voted for Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, in 2016. Avast ( ), Indeed ( ) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( ) (08/13/2018)

Aired August 13, 2018

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