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February 18, 2019

Facebook branded 'digital gangster' in report on fake news

4 CQ

From the BBC World Service... A British parliamentary committee has branded Facebook a "digital gangster" as it said fresh controls should be put on social media giants to help limit harmful content. While Facebook says it's open to more meaningful regulation, can new laws help to limit the spread of fake news? Then, British intelligence officials have concluded that the risks posed by involving the Chinese technology giant Huawei in critical U.K. telecoms projects can be managed, in stark contrast with governments in the U.S., New Zealand and Australia. Plus, pressure is growing for tougher rules on the construction of new mines and dams in Brazil, after a dam collapse last month left hundreds dead or missing. The BBC's Katy Watson reports from Mariana, where many of those affected are still living in temporary accommodation.

Today's show is sponsored by Pitney Bowes , the United States Postal Service and Indeed .

Aired February 18, 2019

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