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Business Curio

February 13, 2019

Do central banks or governments own gold reserves?

4 CQ

From the BBC World Service… More than 200 flights in and out of Belgium, impacting tens of thousands of travelers, have been cancelled due to a 24-hour strike by the country's main transportation unions. And, reports estimate it could cost the local economy 14-million dollars. Then, as Italy’s government central bank and government tussle over gold ownership, we investigate which one really owns the precious metal reserves. Plus,  a U.S. executive order signed in April directed Homeland Security to issue H-1B visas to the most skilled and best-paid foreigners. But now there’s been a drop off in the number of skilled graduates applying for visas in places like India.

Today's show is sponsored by Kronos , WellFrame  and Indeed .

Aired February 13, 2019

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