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Business Curio

March 20, 2019

Cyclone exacerbates problems for Africa's biggest power company

4 CQ

From the BBC World Service… South Africa is in its fifth day of severe power cuts , impacting everything from traffic lights, to water systems, and emergency services. That's as effects of a cyclone in Mozambique add more pressure to an already aging infrastructure suffering from a decade of mismanagement. Then, Taiwan requests new F-16 fighter jets from the U.S. But that could cause ructions in the ongoing trade talks between the U.S. and China. Then, as the Brexit clock continues its countdown, we take a look why the Irish border has become such a sticking point in the negotiation process, and how future trade with the U.K. and the E.U. could work.

Today's show is sponsored by WordPress , Brother Printers and Panopto .

Aired March 20, 2019

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