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Business Curio

October 10, 2018

Costs of extreme weather up 251 percent over last 20 years

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … A day after it downgraded its forecast for global growth next year, the International Monetary Fund is out with a new warning Wednesday about what it calls "dangerous undercurrents" threatening the world economy. Then, more than half a million people have been urged to evacuate their homes in the southeastern part of the U.S. as Hurricane Michael prepares to make landfall. That’s just weeks after storms ravaged Indonesia and the Carolinas. Now, the United Nations is out with a new report showing economic losses from extreme weather events rose 251 percent in the last 20 years. And we’ll hear from business owners in Palu who are trying to get back to normal life in the weeks following the natural disasters. Today’s show is sponsored by Alliance for Lifetime Income ( ), GAIN Capital Group ( ) and Selligent ( ). (10/10/2018)

Aired October 10, 2018

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