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Business Curio

March 19, 2019

Confused about Brexit? So are U.K. businesses

4 CQ

From the BBC World Service… With one sentence, the speaker of the U.K.'s House of Commons threw more uncertainty over Brexit with just a week and a half to go. We'll hear from businesses about how they're coping. Then, documents obtained by the BBC show Boeing has told airlines it expects to have new software for its troubled 737 Max ready by the end of the month. Plus, Morocco is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, but it's also one of the worst for gender equality. A resurgence in female-only tours is helping that.

Today's show is sponsored by WellFrame and GAIN Capital Group.

Aired March 19, 2019

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Mohit D
What is brexit ...explain in simple language..
Colleen S
Basically, the United Kingdom (primarily located on the island of Britain) is looking to exit the European Union. Britain + exit = “Brexit”
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