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Business Curio

January 22, 2023

College rankings under fire again, this time from Harvard Medical School

5 CQ

Harvard Medical School, one of the top in the country, will stop submitting data to the U.S. News and World Report college ranking system. It’s another blow for the rankings, which has recently come under criticism from a number of high-profile schools for alleged flaws in the methodology. Alphabet, the parent company of Google, announced that it would lay off 12,000 workers, making it the latest tech giant to announce job cuts. And, the high-flying Davos summit wraps up today amid a mix of optimism and caution for coming year.

Aired January 20, 2023

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Saphy R
Allow people to listen in 2x speed or up to 2.5x. Great article! HMS won’t submit data because these ranking companies are pulling data and exposing students to countless ads. The rankings are not accurate and often misleading. Look up The Savvy Premed for their rankings as real students with real surveys are able to provide information. That is the gold standard and real research.
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