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Business Curio

May 22, 2022

Biden visits Samsung factory in South Korea to highlight U.S. chip manufacturing

4 CQ

President Biden is in South Korea today, the first of a five-day Asia tour. His first stop? A Samsung computer chip factory. A similar one is to be built in Texas. The president is using his visit to the Samsung plant to push lawmakers here in the U.S. to provide billions of dollars in funding for domestic chip manufacturing. Big retailers are reporting that their loads of surplus inventory are cutting into their profits. We dive into the story of a lawsuit from the descendants of Henrietta Lacks, a Black woman whose cancer cells were taken without her consent and used in the creation of vaccines and other materials that led to billions in profits for pharmaceutical companies. The case explores a variety of ethical questions.

Aired May 20, 2022

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Emily M
wow, i have to listen to specific news articles. lame.
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