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August 14, 2018

As lira finds stability, Turkey’s president calls for boycott on U.S. electronic devices

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service…Turkey’s currency is seeing a pop higher today as the country’s president calls for a boycott on U.S. electronic goods – further straining economic relations with America. We’ll explore what that means for the ongoing financial problems in Turkey. Then, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said fuel prices in his country will rise to international levels, ending the government’s policy of gas subsidies – but what do higher prices mean for people who are already suffering from sky-high inflation and a troubled economic picture? Afterwards, while Australia’s GDP has clocked growth in the country at 3 percent, another gauge tells a different story about the economy. Today’s show is sponsored by Alliance For Lifetime Income ( ) and Carbonite ( ) (08/14/2018).

Aired August 14, 2018

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