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Business Curio

May 25, 2018

A new era in online privacy begins

4 CQ

(Global Editon) From the BBC World Service ... Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska has stepped down as a director of Russia’s biggest aluminium producer in a bid to lift crippling U.S. sanctions. We discuss the man, his motives and what’s next for Russia's billionaires. Then, new European regulation will transform the way businesses deal with their customers. We look at the challenges and benefits as Europe gets tough on privacy. Next, India's sporting prowess hit the headlines after athletes won a record 66 medals at the Commonwealth Games. Many of them were won by women. But as the BBC's Rahul Tandon explains, a level playing field remains in the distance. Finally, what's the link between 400 handbags and Malaysia's former prime minister? (05/25/2018)

Aired May 25, 2018

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