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Business Curio

July 17, 2018

A cars-for-cheese deal

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … About 600 million people are about to benefit from a major free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan in what's called a "cars-for-cheese deal." With tariffs on most goods set to disappear, we explain why it’s America — not Asia — that’s suffering from the “protectionist disease." Then, the world's largest e-commerce retailer may be running a massive promotion, but in Germany, Amazon's workers are striking over pay. And, Pakistan’s economy is in trouble: the country has been to the International Monetary Fund more than a dozen times in the last three decades. How does that play into instability and terror? Today's podcast is sponsored by Alliance for Lifetime Income ( ), Avast ( ), and USPS ( ). (07/17/2018)

Aired July 17, 2018

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