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Business Curio

October 12, 2017

10/12/2017: Samsung's 'Crown Prince' back in court

4 CQ

(Global edition) From the BBC’s World Service …  Jay Y. Lee, the de facto head of the Samsung empire, has appeared in a South Korean court to appeal a five-year jail sentence for corruption. We look inside a scandal that brought down the country’s president. Also, a looming deadline for President Donald Trump to recertify the Iran nuclear deal has sparked speculation that he will pave the way for sanctions to be reimposed. We examine the implications for Europe, Asia and the rest of the global business community. Then, political unrest in India has hit its tea pickers following a 100-day strike called by separatists in the country’s Darjeeling region. The strike is over, but what's next for the area, and its Nepali-speaking Gorkhas?

Aired October 12, 2017

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