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September 22, 2017

09/22/2017: Theresa May winds up for Brexit pitch in Florence

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service ...U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May will outline her plan for Brexit during a speech in Florence, Italy. We’ll tell you how much she might be willing to pay in exchange for a deal to keep her country’s access to the single market. Afterwards, we’ll discuss an announcement from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg that his company will share with U.S. investigators details of 3,000 Russian-linked political ads. Then, a round of positive economic data from Eurozone countries out on Friday showed the economic situation is improving in the region. The figures come just days after S&P upgraded Portugal’s credit rating to investment grade. We’ll tell you what it means for European investment opportunities there.

Aired September 22, 2017

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