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Business Curio

June 16, 2017

06/16/2017: Are you going to listen to this whole episode?

4 CQ

U.S.-Cuba relations may get a little chillier. While President Obama worked to thaw them, President Trump is expected to re-freeze some of America's policies toward its Caribbean neighbor. We'll discuss what some of those could be, which may include new travel restrictions. Afterwards, we'll look at news that Takata — the company accused of covering up potentially deadly airbags — may file for bankruptcy. And finally, we'll chat with Marketplace's Molly Wood about Apple's plans to release data about podcasting behavior, which'll include information on when people listen to podcasts and at what point they bail out.

Aired June 16, 2017

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Austin H
I think one reason podcasts are as popular as they are is the minimal amount of ads you hear on any given podcast. Let's hope the new analytics don't lead to an increase in avg ad time...
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