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May 23, 2017

05/23/2017: How Uber has tried to take over the world

4 CQ

President Trump's first major budget proposal will cut away at the safety net for millions. One program being threatened: Medicaid, which will give states more power to set spending priorities, but much less to spend. We'll look at exactly how much the service could stand to lose over the next decade. Afterwards, we'll chat with author Adam Lashinsky about the strategies Uber has employed to become a ride-sharing juggernaut.

Aired May 23, 2017

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Zoltan B
.??? One third of the pod cast has nothing to do with uber. Please don't make mr sit through ads and other info that I have no interest in.
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Diane T
I thought I was to learn about Uber and not listen to a liberal report in cuts to the Medicaid budget.
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