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Business Curio

April 20, 2018

04/20/2018: India’s youngest billionaire sees windfall as mobile payments catch on

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(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … The head of one of Australia’s largest financial institutions has resigned after revelations the company lied to regulators for a decade about customer charges. Then, a tiny Philippines' tourist hot spot is facing a sudden six-month closure for infrastructure upgrades. But it’s not a popular decision among the island’s residents whose livelihoods depend on the $1 billion in tourism revenue they see each year.  Afterward, the more than 1 billion people who live in India use a lot of cash, but there hasn’t been much of it in recent years to go around. We head to New Delhi to chat with the country’s youngest billionaire who’s made a windfall trying to get mobile payments to catch on.

Aired April 20, 2018

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