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April 17, 2018

04/17/2018: France's president urges defense of EU democracy

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … After years of debt binges, bail-outs and sluggish growth, the European economic recovery is gaining traction. Now, French President Emmanuel Macron has laid out his vision for the future of Europe in a major speech. Macron called on policymakers to defend democracy in the European Union and work harder to build up the eurozone's defenses against another economic meltdown. But with political deadlock in Italy and populism on the rise, is Macron’s grand plan destined to fail? We also take a look at financial market reaction as China releases its latest growth figures. Plus, a London-based company is teaming up with America's Department of Homeland Security to make long border queues a thing of the past. We find out how it works.

Aired April 17, 2018

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