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Business Curio

March 15, 2018

03/15/2018: U.K. awaits Russian response to new measures

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service. .. The U.K. announced actions against Russia over the poisoning of a former double agent — will the Kremlin's response include economic measures? We hear from Evghenia Sleptsova, a senior economist for Central and Eastern Europe with Oxford Economics. Also: Singapore tops the list of the world's most expensive cities to live in, but how far will your money go in the U.S. and Europe? Nikita Sisaudia crunched the numbers for the Economist Intelligence Unit and tells us more. Plus: more women around the world are earning a wage, but in India, that trend seems to be reversing. The BBC's Rahul Tandon in Kolkata has been finding out why.

Aired March 15, 2018

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