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Business Curio

February 16, 2018

02/16/2018: Has the lost generation of home buyers finally been found?

4 CQ

(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … Young buyers have long been considered the “lost generation” when it comes to home buying. But we’ll delve into new figures out this morning that show that while that might be true in Britain, the trend has actually started to reverse in America. Then, the growing economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has led to tens of thousands of residents to flee to the north of Brazil. We’ll explain why authorities there are now declaring a state of social emergency to cope with the high number of immigrants. Afterwards, how was your commute this morning? Any coffee spills, late trains, or traffic jams on the route? For some in Sweden, none of those are things to fear because, as we’ll explore, rather than hopping in a car or boarding mass transit … they ice skate to the office.

Aired February 16, 2018

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