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Business Curio

April 23, 2017

What's causing the collapse of black-owned businesses?

2 CQ

There's been a decline over the past 30 years. Reported by: Kimberly Adams. Image credit: Keystone/Getty Images.

Aired April 14, 2017

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Marty H
Wow! This is affecting all small businesses, not just black businesses. This is a problem with mergers and consolidation of businesses. How many companies has Walmart closed in the US, most Mom and Pop General Stores all over the country are gone or suffering because of this retail giant. It is not the skin color of the proprietor, people of all skin colors are affected by this. Reports like this divide communities, we need to be drawing our communities together. A country divided cannot stand
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Jodus J
This article is absurdly myopic. Why do you not discuss black owned CPA firms or Medical centers or construction companies? Concentrating on sectors that are currently in flux for all races presents an unrealistically negative race picture. If you must discourage an entire race the least you can do is offer up the areas that are growing like black owned computer consulting firms.
Chris R
How is this meant to be discouraging? It's further data showing how certain political agenda and overall expansion of corporatocracy over past 30 years is not the "freedom and justice for all" and "everybody benefits" claims of unbounded capitalism.
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