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Business Curio

November 4, 2018

What Orson Welles and "War of the Worlds" taught us about economic panic

3 CQ

About 80 years ago, a radio dramatization of an alien attack spread panic through the airwaves. That sense of fear can also manifest itself in the world of economics. Reported by: David Brancaccio. Image credit: Central Press/Getty Images.

Aired October 31, 2018

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Deb T
This was a stretch with no substance from your lead-in title.
Chris R
I don't completely agree with this comment. It would have been nice though to hear more stats from how the radio show impacted local markets at the time, if not larger ones as it was not as globalized a world as we have today. Comparisons to the recent S.Korea feuds and various false alarm messages due to improper testing may have been a more direct comparison, viewing what markets did in reaction to those. Economic panic is a real phenomenon though as info is imperfect and humans are emotional
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