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Business Curio

January 14, 2017

Can Finland sustain its current economic model?

2 CQ

Economic growth has been sluggish. Reported by: Sarah Gardner. Image credit: Sarah Gardner.

Aired December 28, 2016

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Stephen E
There is a balance to be struck. There are ways to help make sure people have what they need while still encouraging hard work and productivity, such as earned income credit and better subsidy for programs (like college) that improve production.
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Meredith R
I've always been interested in how other countries do things better than the U.S. There is still so much we could learn from them, if only people were interested.
Gerry E
Necessarily socialist reforms are the question we the western world can see that we have room to grow but not the character to change
Connor S
Their social policy obviously is not working for their economy. Very high unemployment rate, sounds like their people are not motivated at all. If their is anything to learn from them, it's that we should not adopt their policies.
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