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Business Curio

November 11, 2018

As two more states hike their minimum wage, what are the chances of a federal increase?

1 CQ

Arkansas and Missouri voted to raise their minimum wages on Tuesday. Is the federal government next? Reported by: Marielle Segarra. Image credit: Jeff Curry/Getty Images.

Aired November 8, 2018

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Wanda P
While many of our long time employees make $12 or more, to have a $12 entry wage will force us to increase hourly wages for other employees as well. ( it’s not fair for a recent hire to make $12 when someone working for you 1 or 2 years only make $9 or $10 per hour We are committed to our employees and their families, we have paid insurance and funded retirement matching before it was competitive for small business to do so We may be forced to stop these practices as well as cut employee
500 characters max
Wanda P
It is puzzling to me why you failed to address the challenges that will follow in these Arkansas and Missouri. As a struggling small business owner I am concerned about how this will effect my business and my employees. As wages increase so will prices. As small but business cope with increasing wages: fita, fuca, and as taxes also increase Employers lay people off Force others to part time so they do not have to fund insurance, retirement
Chris R
Are you laying anyone off bc of wage increases and subsequent price increases to offset? Is your product so elastic in demand that a small price increase will drop your sales?
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