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Business Curio

October 1, 2017

As many students nationwide grapple with hunger, California offers food assistance

2 CQ

A survey of 34 universities and community colleges found that about 48 percent of students reported food insecurity in the previous 30 days, 22 percent with such low levels of food security that they qualified as hungry. Reported by: Hannah Harris Green. Image credit: Emaline Friedman/ for Marketplace.

Aired September 29, 2017

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Ruth F
This is a problem that has been going on for a long time. Even adjunct professors may not have enough to keep hunger at bay. The question is whether our society values education enough to start supporting those trying to obtain degrees and to teach.
Chris R
Wasn't aware for college students, definitely for K-12, completely agree this needs to be resolved - for all. Some way of guaranteeing subsistence so no one goes hungry, is without shelter, or lacking basic medical support is needed. Until you can fulfill Maslows hierarchy of base needs people cannot progress higher (like through any level of education) effectively.
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