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Little Art Talks
Fun Art History Videos

Karin Yuen is the creator of Little Art Talks, a collection of educational, art and art history videos. She's passionate in sharing art history in fun, different ways.

All Posts by Little Art Talks
Latest course from Little Art Talks

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, The History of Japanese Art.

The history of art in Japan is intertwined with the nation's tumultuous past. Discover Japanese art from Neolithic pottery to the Heian period scroll paintings in this art history course!

I hope you enjoy the new course!

Curiously yours,
Little Art Talks

Art History & Movements, now on Curious.com

Ready for a new course? I am excited to share my most recently published course, Art History & Movements.

Explore the difference between an art period and movement, and about various art movements including impressionism, dadaism, minimalism, suprematism, pop art, and readymade art.

Looking forward to seeing your Curious Assignment!

Curiously yours,
Little Art Talks

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