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Learn French with Alexa

Alexa Polidoro is a French teacher working in London, UK. She has been teaching French to children and adults at all levels for the past twenty years. Her lessons are renowned for being fun, friendly and stress-free. When you watch Alexa’s French lessons, it’s like she’s actually sitting there with you, helping you along. Your very own personal French tutor!

All Posts by Learn French with Alexa
French for Advanced-Beginners, now on Curious.com

Ready for a new course? I am excited to share my most recently published course, French for Advanced-Beginners.

If you're comfortable with the absolute basics of the French language, try this beginner-level French course and review the verb "aller" (to go), common prepositions, negations, and how to tell time.

I hope you enjoy the new course!

Learn French with Alexa

French Essentials Vol 1 - Avoir & Être

Bonjour tout le monde,

Here is the final lesson of French Essentials (Vol 1). It's all about the French auxiliary verbs avoir (to have) and être (to be).

Learning these two verbs is crucial as you will need them when it comes to using the past tense in French. For now though, all you need to concentrate on is learning them off by heart ;-) .... Sorry!

Let me know if you have any queries or requests,

I'm always here to help,


Alexa xx.

French Essentials Vol 1 - Subject Pronouns

Bonjour tout le monde,

Here is Lesson 9 of my French Essentials course. It's all about French subject pronouns. Sounds scary but it isn't, I promise!

Learning the subject pronouns in French is crucial as they will help you understand how to conjugate a verb. French children learn about subject pronouns very early on at school because conjugating a verb is directly linked with the subject pronoun, and the ending of a verb will depend solely on the subject pronoun you use. So they need to be learnt in a certain order. We split them into two groups: the singular subject pronouns and the plural subject pronouns.

Let me know if you have any queries or requests, I'm always here to help, Merci, Alexa xx.

French Essentials Vol 1 - The Indefinite Article

Bonjour tout le monde,

Here is Lesson 8 of my French Essentials course. It's all about the indefinite articles in French. Do you know what they are? Well, have a look at the lesson and all will be explained.

Let me know if you have any queries or requests,

I'm always here to help,


Alexa xx.

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