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The Science of Building Leaders

Leaderonomics is a social enterprise dedicated to transforming developing nations through leadership development. We believe that leadership is what makes nations, organisations and communities great. Similarly, lack of leadership destroys and diminishes societies.

Our goal is to enable every single person to fulfill their potential as the leader they were meant to be. We dream of bringing leadership development to the remotest parts of developing nations, ensuring that everyone who aspires to be a leader, is provided the tools and processes to enable them to “build communities of love”.

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I have a new course, Building Influence in the Workplace!

Ready for a new course? I am excited to share my most recently published course, Building Influence in the Workplace.

In the workplace, it's crucial to know how to influence people. In this course, learn how to influence in the workplace, and discover how this helps you accomplish your goals and exceed expectations.

I hope you enjoy the new course!

Curiously yours,

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