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Ken Theriot
Makin' Audio Recording Easy

Musician and recording engineer - the last part sort of by necessity of the first. Most musicians don't make a lot of money, so if you want to sell recordings you either have to get a record deal and have them pay (shya!), somehow come up with money to pay a commercial recording studio, or learn to do it yourself. I did that last one. And if I can learn to do it, ANYONE can:-P.

All Posts by Ken Theriot
New Audio Recording Course from Ken Theriot

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, Basic Home Recording in Reaper.

While free audio recording programs like Audacity are a great way to get started, you can seriously upgrade your home studio by purchasing and learning how to use an inexpensive DAW: Reaper.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Stay Curious!
Ken Theriot

How to Record Harmony in Reaper, now on Curious.com

I'd love to share with you my newest lesson on Curious, How to Record Harmony in Reaper.

In this audio recording and editing lesson, learn how to record multiple tracks of yourself singing harmony, then mix them together for a three-part harmony!

Happy Learning!

Curiously yours,
Ken Theriot

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