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Guitar Yoga for Beginners
7 CQ
A great way to learn a scale is to play it horizontally along a single string—it lets you visually see the formula of the scale applied to the fingerboard.
with Lessonz.comA great way to learn a scale is to play it horizontally along a single string—it lets you visually see the formula of the scale applied to the fingerboard.
5 CQ
Six out of the seven notes of the major scale can be played in a so-called mini-position. Learn how to build and connect those mini-positions on guitar!
with Lessonz.comSix out of the seven notes of the major scale can be played in a so-called mini-position. Learn how to build and connect those mini-positions on guitar!
8 CQ
Learn the important Ionian (aka major scale) pattern across all six strings in a three-note-per-string fashion, for creating future melodies and solos.
with Lessonz.comLearn the important Ionian (aka major scale) pattern across all six strings in a three-note-per-string fashion, for creating future melodies and solos.
4 CQ
Legato on guitar adds a fluid, floating quality to your playing, which is a great contrast to the standard picking sound. Learn how to do it in this lesson!
with Lessonz.comLegato on guitar adds a fluid, floating quality to your playing, which is a great contrast to the standard picking sound. Learn how to do it in this lesson!
8 CQ
Learn the major and minor guitar triad shapes along the top string-set and apply them to a common chord progression, smoothly connecting different inversions.
with Lessonz.comLearn the major and minor guitar triad shapes along the top string-set and apply them to a common chord progression, smoothly connecting different inversions.
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