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Gift Basket Appeal
DIY Craft Teacher

Hi! My name is Tracey, and I am delighted to share my creative energy with you.
As a former librarian (25 years), I developed hundreds of craft programs for adults and children.
I have a passion for creating beautiful things and designing unique Gift Baskets.
My desire is to teach others how to create whether it's for family, friends, or business. There is nothing more rewarding than taking the time to make something special.

New Curious lesson - Making a Wine Gift Basket

New Curious lesson - Making a Wine Gift Basket

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson, Making a Wine Gift Basket.

Learn how to make a gift basket that brings wine country to you. Pairing delicious eats with hostess tools, you’ll satiate the thirstiest of winos.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Tracey Phillips

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