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Polymer Clay Tutorials

Hi, my name is Emi and I love arts & crafts. I work with Polymer Clay and love to create charms! I make pieces from rings and hair-clips, to miniature foods and figurines. I love to make charm tutorials and help teach you how to make your very own polymer clay charms as well!

All Posts by Starshye
New Curious Course - Rilakkuma Polymer Clay Jewelry

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, Rilakkuma Polymer Clay Jewelry.

If you're a Rilakkuma superfan, you'll love this course on making Rilakkuma characters out of polymer clay! Join in and learn how to turn these cute little sculptures into jewelry charms.

Looking forward to seeing your Curious Assignment!

Curiously yours,

New Curious Lesson | DIY Polymer Clay Image Transfer

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson DIY Polymer Clay Image Transfer.

In this lesson, learn how to turn family photos into personalized DIY jewelry pieces using polymer clay! A few crafting supplies are all you'll need.

Happy Learning!

New lesson from Starshye

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson DIY Miniature Clay Cake Slice.

Who doesn’t love a delicious slice of cake? In this lesson, Starshye shows how to transform polymer clay into a mouth-watering strawberry cake.

Let me know what you think of the lesson. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!

Thanks, Starshye

New lesson from Starshye

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson DIY Polymer Clay Gingham Bow.

Learn how to create an adorable bow charm with a spring/summer gingham pattern. Once you've molded the bow, you can turn it into a necklace or even a ring!

Happy Learning!

Thanks, Starshye

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