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A Learning Resource for Bookkeepers, Accountants, Business Owners and Online Instructors

Paula is a Qualified CPA with over 15 years' experience in the fields of Accountancy, Business Management, Process improvement, Operations management and Training. All across a broad range of industries and sectors. Paula is also well know as Key Speaker at many Accounting Events where her talks on MS Excel are received very positively. Taken from her experiences in this business field, for the last 5 years Paula has been been teaching online courses for those wishing to up skill, especially in the area of Bookkeeping, Accounting, & Spreadsheets.

Now an E-learning Educator 5+ years, Paula also has focus on E-learning and teaching and she hope to help bridge the skills gap for those that teach or wish to teach online.

New lesson from Paula

New lesson from Paula

I'd love to share with you my newest lesson on Curious, 7 Reasons to Teach Online.

If you have a passion and knowledge to share, online teaching can be extremely satisfying. In this lesson, discover seven reasons why you should teach online!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Curiously yours,

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