ExercisesSection 2: High & LowSection 3: String Names &Tuning PegsSection 5: Tuning the A & E Strings
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Beginner Bass Guitar
Free7 CQ
In this lesson, bassist Dan Lopatka demonstrates how to correctly hold the bass guitar, along with proper right- and left-hand bass techniques.
with Music on the D LoIn this lesson, bassist Dan Lopatka demonstrates how to correctly hold the bass guitar, along with proper right- and left-hand bass techniques.
6 CQ
In this lesson, bassist Dan Lopatka explains how to find every note on the bass guitar. After this, get ready to attempt your first bass song—a 12-bar blues!
with Music on the D LoIn this lesson, bassist Dan Lopatka explains how to find every note on the bass guitar. After this, get ready to attempt your first bass song—a 12-bar blues!
5 CQ
Find out how to find any note on the bass, and learn your very first song on bass—a standard blues progression that's also used in rock and pop styles.
with Music on the D LoFind out how to find any note on the bass, and learn your very first song on bass—a standard blues progression that's also used in rock and pop styles.
7 CQ
In this lesson, bassist Dan Lopatka explains how to play and write down various rhythms, and introduces rhythm vocabulary with a focus on bass guitar.
with Music on the D LoIn this lesson, bassist Dan Lopatka explains how to play and write down various rhythms, and introduces rhythm vocabulary with a focus on bass guitar.
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