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Diana Trout
Artist, Author, Educator

I'm a mixed media artist. My formal training was at PA Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. I love paint, paper, collage, stitch and different drawing media. My book, Journal Spilling, is all about getting started with art journaling. I've taught painting, art journaling and bookbinding since 1989 across the USA and Italy.

Expect to begin or continue your art journey in my classes. I love to teach and work with my students. Don't hesitate to ask questions! I welcome emails and invite you to visit me on my blog.

How to Print Cards with Gelli Plates, now on Curious.com

How to Print Cards with Gelli Plates, now on Curious.com

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson, How to Print Cards with Gelli Plates.

Discover how easy it is to make your own decorative paper using a Gelli Arts Printing Plate, stencils, and pigment inks in this crafts lesson!

Looking forward to seeing your Curious Assignment!

Diana Trout

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